My husband & I have got an appt next week to see a solicitor (we're in the UK) to discuss him adopting my daughter. We've been together over 5 years, married for 2. Her biological dad hasn't seen her/ paid maintenance for 6 years & I have no idea where he is. She has no contact with any of his family & considers my husband as her dad, although she knows the truth.
The problem we have is that I'm not sure how to explain exactly what adoption will mean for her, in that it "cuts all ties" with her birth father & his family - how do I put that into words that she can understand so that we can be sure we're not doing anything she wouldn't want us to do?
We're not sure whether the court would dispense with his agreement or not, if not, I doubt he'll agree anyway so we might be wasting our time. I just want to be able to explain it to her first, in case she doesn't want to cut all ties for any reason - any ideas on what to say?