
How to explain to your 6 yrs old daughter how/where babies come from?

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My daughter is very specific individual and has very specific questions about how/where/when babies are made. I have simply told her when two people truly love each other get married that is when they can have a baby. She continues to ask more questions so I have mentioned that all mama have eggs inside them and when they marry someone that is when a egg grows into a baby. I don't know how much to tell her at 6 years age. My husband has tried to answer her many many questions as well but we just can't seem to satisify her with our answers. Any help from moms/dads on this would be greatly appreciated!




  1. just tell her the truth and tell her not to do it until she gets 30 and married

  2. My mom use to tell me that when two people were in love and were married God would plant a seed in the moms belly and the baby would grow and grow. And when it was time for it to come out you had to go to the doctors to get it taken out.

  3. Babies come from s*x. Dads have a p***s and Moms have a v****a. They meet together and that is called s*x. Sometimes s*x can lead to mom's eggs turning into a embryo, which is a baby inside a mom's uterus. Mom's and Dad's are married. Any more questions? She will most likely ask how the egg turns into the embryo.. Just tell her the truth. She may not understand it, but at least she will be able to have open communication with you about s*x as she grows older. It is only biology, not the end of the world.

    Open communication as well as a comprehensive s*x education program (or just telling the truth from mom or dad) actually helps postpone sexual activity and provides healthier relationships for parents and their children as well as any boyfriends or girlfriends that child may have.  

  4. You can't satisfy a 6 year olds need to ask questions and totally ignore any answers you might give.. I told my children that we were being blessed from God with a new brother/sister.  That ended all the questions if you need to give her more information, why I have no idea, just get a couple of books. Go to Barnes and Nobles and ask the clerk what children books for a 6 year old they have I give you odds there is one 'mama is having a baby' in the title.  


    a book that explains it in appropriate amount of scientific detail (not too overwhelming, but doesn't just say "you came from a stork in the hospital either)

  6. there is an old book called 'where did I come from'  my mom got it for me when I was young.  hopefully its still in print.  check ebay, that's where I got it for my 19 y/o.  if all else fails, tell her chicago  lol

  7. Just be totally honest with her.  I agree with the 1st poster that a book appropriate for a 6yo might be the best route.

  8. i told this story to my at that time 5 year old...Dad has special eggs inside him, and gives them to mom. when that egg finds moms egg they form together and a baby starts to grow from stays in a place that is inside mom, called a uterus, and will grow for 9 months. when the baby is ready to come out, mom goes into the hospital and there is lots of pain and it hurts mom, but i have to push the baby out, kinda like taking a p**p...she was fine with that, and has never questioned me since.

  9. My opinion is that you should go on Amazon or go to a bookstore and see if you can get an age-appropriate book on this topic.  Maybe the story and pictures will help her understand in a way that you can be comfortable with.

    My child is only 2, but this is my plan when the question comes up!

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