
How to explan about this?

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I did experiment in light intensity on beta-carotene content. The experiments are 100, 35 and 10% light intensity (under full sunlight, under shade light 35 % of full sun light and 10% of full sun light repesctevely).

The resulty showed low light intensity increased beta-carotene content.

But some report about from japan report light intensity incresed hig beta-carotene.

What the reason ....?




  1. Did you determine the beta-carotene content/ unit weight of plant material?

    May be at higher intensity of sunlight, biomass production is more.

    So, amount of beta-carotene per unit area is higher.

    Also plant might perform photosynthesis first under high light intensity and after some time start beta carotene synthesis.

  2. Your results were exactly what you would expect if the beta-carotene was measured as a percentage as compared with the percentage of chlorophyll ( the percentage of beta-carotene would be greater at lower light intensities). If you measured the total amounts of beta-carotene they could be higher at higher light intensities due to more total growth, even though the percentages were higher.

  3. I would first discuss the response, what the r squared value of the curve equation and how well the data fits the curve.  Were there any other treatments other than light?  If so, was there a significant interaction between light and those treatments.

    Once you have that explained, then you can comment on how well your results compare to similar studies in your field.  If they are similar then great, if not, what are the enviromental differences (season, daylength, etc, etc) between the locations.

    good luck.

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