
How to extract wormwood?

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does anyone know? im trying to add it onto my marijuana. so could i add the liquid version? or how would i be able to smoke it?




  1. What your looking for is to extract thujone from wormwood.  thujone is what they used for absinthe which is what I'm guessing is the effect you want.  As far as smokable thujone,  I would not know how to do that to be honest,  I'm sure there maybe someway.  But it is soluble in in ethanol,  absinthe is pretty decent with thujone,  you can find thujone a few places though it's pretty dangerous.  Though it does nothing from being smoked.  I've smoked wormwood dried and fresh with no noticeable effects at all.

    I just read the answer above and just thought I'd say do not waste your time doing this, that's rediculous.  Just buy some wormwood oil which is faster and more convienient. And has more thujone.

  2. Extract the thujone, a simple alcohol extraction should work. It will be crude, but it will extract it. Get a whole bunch of wormwood, like as much as you can find and grind it up. Then soak it in high proof ethanol or isopropyl. Methanol will work too, but it is very toxic and if not all of it evaporates, you could have a problem. After the plan material has soaked for a day or two in a cool dark room, strain out the plant material until there is only liquid. Pour a thin layer of liquid on a baking pan and let it evaporate. You can speed up the process, by heating the pan, but be careful of the alcohol igniting. After the liquid evaporates, scrape up any gunk left on the pan and do what you will with it. It will not be pure, but it will be much more concentrated than the plant.

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