
How to face an interview bcz i was new to the interviews?

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How to face an interview bcz i was new to the interviews?




  1. Just be calm. And as the first answerer said read your CV properly. And don't venture into subjects of which you have less knowledge, because those are the areas where you may be caught.

    Other than that, just maintain eye contact, make sure you engage in an effective conversation. Usually an effective converstation can hush up small errors or mistakes in an interview. And also, there is no need to prepare a lot of things like communication and all. Just be yourself and just prepare for the technical part

    Good luck.

  2. Just remain calm and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Try not to stress out about it too much. Most importantly, just be yourself. Good luck.

  3. Stay cool. Read your CV well before going for the interview, answer and substantiate what you have written in your CV.

    Listen to the questions carefully and offer optimum answers.

  4. There is nothing to teach. Belive that only you can do the job for them and no one on this earth is qulaified or talented to undertake that job.

  5. stay in controll. know your CV well before going in for the interview, answer and substantiate everything you have written in your CV.

    Listen to the questions carefully and offer optimal responses that directly address what the interviewer is looking for.


    Please visit the above pages. I hope, it helps u.

  7. try to be calm and cool remember its your resume that gets you the interview so just be you.

  8. Hi,

    I just go through this article and share with you.....

    7 Actions to Take BEFORE You Interview

    Copyright 2006 Joseph Turner

    By decreasing the jitters BEFORE your interview you can

    increase your confidence DURING the interview.

    Getting nervous just before or during an interview is

    natural but there are specific actions you can take to

    decrease, if not eliminate it. Here is a checklist of 7

    important actions you can accomplish before any interview

    you walk into.

    1. When it comes to answering interview questions, forget

    trying to memorize scripted answers that you probably read

    somewhere. Instead, focus on answering the questions in a

    way that makes sense to you that showcases your experience

    and skills.

    Do this by developing your stories. By this I mean, you'll

    develop stories around specific examples of your career

    where you get to tell how you?

    a. Either made money or saved money for your current or

    previous company.

    b. Faced a crisis or two in your life or job and how you

    responded or recovered from it.

    c. Functioned as a part of a team and what your

    contribution was.

    d. Had to deal with stress in your career.

    e. And many other stories revolving around typical

    interview questions that you can always expect.

    Interviewers want to know more about who you are and

    telling small stories like this is an excellent way to do

    this. You want to be remembered.?When you stand out from

    the crowd you'll personalize yourself. Another benefit is

    that you won't have to worry about memorizing answers to

    stock questions. Just be yourself and let your story shine

    through. If you can have about 5 to 7 good little stories

    of about 30 to 90 seconds each, your confidence will rise

    tremendously for any interview you have.

    2. Do company research well in advance so that you can

    relax before the interview rather than scrambling to get

    ready at the last minute. This also reduces the possibility

    of stupid and embarrassing questions on your part. You

    should already know what products or services the company

    is in the business of providing. You should know their

    size, their annual revenues (if they are a public company),

    what the title and functions of the job are, and lastly,

    the name and title of the person interviewing and their

    role in the hiring process.

    3. Plan ahead to wear comfortable clothing that suits this

    type of interview. The usual mode these days is business

    attire. That could mean different things to different

    companies. If you're not sure, call ahead to either your

    interviewer or the HR department and ask. When in doubt,

    dress more conservatively. You want to fit in and not feel

    self conscious about your clothing choice during the


    4. Make sure you have the name and phone number of a

    contact person, preferably the person you'll be meeting

    with. Stuff happens and when it does you'll want to keep

    them informed of delays that may be beyond your control.

    5. Log on to Mapquest?or Yahoo Maps?and get directions if

    you're not sure of their exact location. You want to arrive

    well in advance so that you can get there a little early so

    you can shift gears and collect your thoughts before you

    walk in.

    6. Remember to bring copies of your resume with you. One

    for yourself and one for your interviewer and perhaps a

    spare one or two just in case. You might want to refer to

    your resume during the interview and having a copy in front

    of you can add to you sense of security. If there are any

    other items you need, like a portfolio, bring this as well.

    7. Finally, don't place undue pressure on yourself. This is

    just one interview. It's not "do or die". The last emotion

    you want to project is one of neediness or desperation

    because you aren't either. Once you walk in to the

    interview, your prep work has been done and you can feel

    confident about letting the chips fall where they may.

    A checklist of seven steps that's easy to do but will pay

    big rewards in your successful job search.?The key here is

    that the magic of doing your best means doing all your

    preparation beforehand so you can go into the interview

    relaxed and calm.

    Take care


  9. well prepared. be yourself during the interview tk place.

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