
How to face flight steward interview?

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what are the good qualities a person should have to pass cabin crew inetrview.




  1. Clean dress,no Technicolour socks,  how to enter the room,talk as less you can but give proper answer, no aaarrrr use in your conversation, sit straight on chair, do not loose your eye contact, do not carry to much paper with you, talk with full confidence, leave the room with good manner...that is this and good luck to you

  2. I'm sure you have flown. What sort of flight steward would you prefer?  It isn't difficult, we would all like someone who SMILES and is polite and courteous despite asking inane questions that they have heard 100 times.

    Let's think about this for a moment. Normal stuff is easy - that's why it is called normal. What the airlines want is someone who can go that extra yard/metre! with a SMILE.

    Having flown more than 10,000 hours I know that flying can be a ***** and when you get an accumulation of things going wrong you have to be able to rise above it. To be honest, it isn't that difficult - AS LONG AS YOU REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON. The passengers don't have a clue, and often you don't either, so smile and have a number of good sentences that you can rattle off according to circumstance.

    What we don't need is someone searching for answers in a crisis. ALL problems have been seen before, you will never come across anything new - so it it just a question of being cool - 'cos you know the answer! By the by, the most dangerous person in an aircraft is a smart *** - so don't be one of those.

    You know that you will have to look mega smart - smart, short haircut, a shave to die for, a new (washed twice) shirt, a new suit, a new pair of shoes, nails perfect. If it all makes you feel uncomfortable have a practice run by wearing the lot for a few hours a few days before the interview.

    For an interview you need to show that you have made a h**l of an effort. Because, if you can't be bothered to make an effort for yourself, you sure as h**l won't for the company.

    You need to be bright eyed and well rested. You need to have done your homework and know lots of basic stuff about the airline concerned and the aircraft they fly.

    You need to know what the job is all about - because they will ask you why you want to do the job, what the downside is ( being bright and cheerful at 4 in the morning, for example).

    Make a list of things you would ask someone if you were interviewing them. Speak to someone who is doing the job now and ask them their advice. Don't know anyone - no problem. Phone someone in a different organisation and ask them to help - they will.

    The flying business is really a very closed society. People really bend over backwards to help others and will go that extra mile. You must demonstrate that you are willing to put in the work and do what it takes. "I want to fly" just isn't good enough.

    Good luck.

  3. personality---good with people---able to keep your cool under trying circumstances. always,,always be on time.

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