
How to face your fear of hacking on my horse?

by  |  earlier

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Hi ive just bought my new horse and he does not behave! But ive been working with him in the arena and he is perfect now. But on hacks he backs up into the walls and hedges! And starts to trot ooddly. He has hurt him self and had a few alergic reactions! He has been falling into diches. And freaked at cars. But i will never sell him! What should i do ?????? PLEASE HELP US!!!!!!!




  1.   If you have just bought him why not ask the last owner about him!

    How old is he!

    I really think you do need a trainer to help,

    I have always said You sell a well behaved horse to some one that doesn't know how to ride ,Well They will ruin him,

    Did you not try him out before you bought him !

    I would Just take him back if possible, and then get some lessons

    Since we can not see you ride, and as any trainer would say 99o/o is your mistakes your making on him,

    So go seek a professional Now Like the other said before you hurt him and you to your self,


  2. I have absolutely no fear of hacking on your horse.

    Apparently YOU have a  fear of hacking on your horse, and I can guarantee he knows it.  Falling into ditches and backing up into hedges?? It sounds like you need to take some riding lessons, and he needs a more experienced person to take him out on hacks a few times, to help give him some confidence.  As he knows you're not in control and are afraid, he has to take the job of being in charge, and he's not up to it.  Just get some experienced help before he and/or you gets hurts.

  3. Fist off, how old is the horse, how much riding experience do YOU have, and do you ride on the trails alone?

    Most horses, (except very well-trained horses) don't like to go on trails alone. They are pushed out of their comfort zone and have to leave their friends behind.  Also, since you just got this horse, it hasn't yet had time to bond with you and learn to trust you.  I have a few suggestions that might make hacking easier and less scary:

    1.  When you get tense and scared, your horse senses it and he too will get scared.  When you start to get worried, take a deep breath, relax, and act confident.  Your horse will sense that you aren't worried and that you are relaxed and he will relax too.  

    2.  For the time being, always hack with another well-behaved horse.  If you and a friend go riding, your horse will be more willing to go because he will not be alone.  If the other horse is well-behaved your horse will more-likely do the same.  

    3.  You must let your horse learn to trust you.  Whenever your horse does something you don't like, don't get mad at him.  This makes the horse more scared of YOU.  Especially with a new horse, it's important to take time to build a relationship between you and the horse.  Try to give your horse more attention that usual.  Give him treats and pet him and make him happy.  When he misbehaves, try to determine whether he is scared or just misbehaving.  If he seems the slightest bit confused or scared, stop and pet your horse and talk sweetly to him.  If he seems worried about a scary object on the trail, take time to let him learn that the object will not hurt him.  If you force him to continue on when he is really freaked out, he will learn to not trust you and act even worse.  If, however, he is just misbehaving and doesn't want to do something, you can briefly discipline him, then try again.  I'm pretty sure his bad trail manners are due to stress and worry, not just a random decision to misbehave.

    Remember to relax around your horse and always make him comfortable and not scare him, and he will learn to trust you.  

    Good Luck!

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