
How to feed a bent goldfish????

by  |  earlier

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so my goldfish got stuck in the filter and i am treating him and working on him but i tried to feed him and its reallly hard. i tried feeding him with the tweesers and he hardly got a bite. i was wondering if there is any other way?? he cant control how he swims so its really hard and he gets excited when there's food so he tries to swim and just sprals cuz he has a bent back. i was wondering, is there any other way to feed him??? he's just getting a few bites (only two small ones the entire day) and then all the food goes to the bottom and polutes the tank. any suggestions????




  1. turn off the filter and anything else that causes water turbulence while feeding him. use slow sinking food like flake or floating pellets.

  2. Wash your hand off really well in plain water.  Hold him gently and use a turkey baster or something similar, syringe or whatnot, to put the food right in front of him.  Dose with streecoat to grow back anything you might have wiped off with your hand.

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