
How to feel better about high school?

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I'm not one to complain, but every year I feel the same way. Today was my first day of 10th grade and I felt the same as last year. I can't stand the majority of my peers and I think that is the main problem. Everyone judges and teases. I'm not bullied, but I think everyone experiences somewhat of the same thing. It's the last time I have to take gym, but I hate it. I'm not competitive, but some people over react and blame you. I'm very quiet and I took honors classes one of which requires a presentation tomorrow and another which will have to be presented in front of the whole school. I can't stop focusing on all the negative aspects and dreading them. Can someone please point out something positive before I drive myself insane? Sorry for the rant, but it feels good to say it whether out loud or to random people on yahoo answers.




  1. at least one positive is that there are people worse off than u , i failed all my classes senior year and evetually got kicked out of school . and the speaking in front of the class isnt that hard to do , ive done it , just try not to look at the people , look at something else while u  present watever ur presenting

  2. It'll be alright! I survived :D

    Gym sucks because no one wants to be there. If you actually try in that class and do well in sports people look down upon you. And I understand the whole public speaking thing. I had to do it too lol. But you just gotta remember, in high school unless your speaking at graduation, nobody gives a **** what you say but just make sure that you keep it short and too the point. You won't be able to stop focusing on the negative aspects tho. But if there's anything that can help I would say prayer (this sentence alone is gonna get me a thumbs down). Don't worry as you WILL get through it. Unfortunately college isn't any different....

  3. High school is a complete mess. Everyone is trying to grow up, and no one is doing so successfully instantaneously. You've got to live for you, hold tight to whatever or whomever pleases you. Try some new things. How about rock climbing, or hiking? Or photography. High school, whether your parents like it or not, is about experimentation. Branch out and I believe you'll find there is still spark left in your 3 years yet to come. Think of the people in your audience that you're presenting to that are actually listening and cherishing what you're saying. They may be afraid to admit it, but I'm positive there are a few that will be truly interested in your presentation. What a good thing you're doing for them. Best of luck..


  5. I think something has changed since I was in high school, 1972. I didn't think there was an honors class then. How come you just don't work on straight A's? That is odd that a whole school is taken out of class time to listen to a student for a grade. Have a good day.

  6. I know what you mean. I just focus on my studies and hangout with friends on the weekends. It may seem boring but it works for me. You can't get stressed out about something that is so far away because it will mess up everything else. ignore it and deal with it as it comes.

  7. Hey there,

    I recently finished pre-IB for grade 10 and am moving up onto the IB Diploma Programme for grade 11. Like you, I also had to have an extra year of gym and am not of the competitive sort myself. I surrounded myself with positive people, who cheered for me whether I did a mediocre or horrible job. Although I knew I didn't accomplish anything fantastic, I still felt great. I also made sure I was positive about everything, and if I messed up I simply laughed it off. Make up for your lack of talent in Phys.Ed by taking on a positive and bright attitude. It will certainly do more wonders for you than being negative. Cheer for everyone regardless, and they may pick up on it and do the same for you. Don't expect results immediately, but it will come if you keep it up.

    As for your fears of presentations, you can give yourself a pep talk or just remember that people do understand that presentations are a big deal and you can get nervous. Usually all the negative things we tell ourselves before the presentation aren't true and the reactions we get afterwards from our classmates may not be what we thought they were. Your mind and misinterpret things when you're being negative, to suit or correspond with the negativity you're feeling. Soon enough, you'll be great in front of a crowd and won't have to worry so much anymore. Hope it helped.

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