
How to feel more safe home alone??

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right my parents are going out tonight from 7pm too about 3am

im a 15 year old girl an i know i should be ok on my own but i dont feel safe.

i have stayedalonen before many times and i have to make sure all the doors are locked and windows are too

i try watching afilmm but i have to keep checking the door every 2 mins i ring my parents every hour to see when they are home

what can i do to feel a bit more safe ??

oh and dont say get a friend to come in plz





  1. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked. Then remember you are safe inside! If you have a car alarm on a key chain or something keep it with you and hit the panic button if you need to. That will set off the car alarm and scare an intruder off. Then get into a book or tv show and take your mind off it. Don't watch any scary movies.

    Also would help to say a prayer for God to watch over you. It helps and HE will.

  2. You probably need to be more independent. Get on the phone with a friend or get on the computer when they leave. Either way, you are 15 and they have every right to try to enjoy themselves at this point. Good luck.

  3. Do you stay alone quite often?? If you do then I don't think its a good thing. Please don't get me wrong; I think your parents shouldn't leave you alone at odd hours.

    If I'm not wrong they only would've taught you to keep checking doors, ring them up every hour. If it is so, then in a way they are themselves acknowledging by such behavior that it is unsafe to leave their daughter alone.

    Well there are plenty of people out there who'd suggest number of safety tips to you.

    Although you will get good ideas but I don't think it will help you deal with fear in the long run. Taking care of the house and yourself would still be there on your mind. You won't be able to keep your mind off from this worry whenever your parents are out. All the time your mind will be on the run to safegaurd yourself.

    Anyone would feel unsafe like this.

    As far as I think your problem is not about seeking better safety tips but about an internal fear.

    You are definitely a brave young girl. But you do deserve a peace of mind whenever you are alone.

    Try spending time with God in prayer. Commit this difficulty in HIs ABLE hands. He sends his guardian angels around us. You would've read a verse which says HE NEVER SLEEPS HE NEVER SLUMBERS. He is always watching over us. Trust him that He is keeping a vigil and no harm can befall you.

    He will surely help you and He will not fail if you pray and trust Him that He will do what He has promised.

  4. HOUSE PARTY!!!!!!!

    I'm joking.. just lock the door, all will be fine (do you really think your parents would leave you if you weren't safe?)  

  5. The truth is you probably would feel more secure if you weren't there alone. Why isn't a friend an option?

    If the doors are locked, the windows are locked, and you have the number for the police, and can reach your parents, that's about all you can do dear. Why are you so fearful? Is your neighborhood unsafe?

    Perhaps your parents could call the local police off and ask that they have a car cruise your neighborhood during the night a time or two, because you will be home alone and are uncomfortable.

    Unless there has been problems in the past, there's no reason to be fearful. You'll be fine. Enjoy the time to yourself...the privacy. Do things you don't typically get to do when your folks are home (not rule-breaking things, but special things like walk around in your undies or eat more junk food or watch things on TV they don't like to watch).

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