
How to fend off a cold before it's fully started?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, I am always coming down with colds, and when I get them they're really horrible, lasting ages. I cannot take decongestants or antihistamines, so I can't sleep for days and get very depressed and unwell. I can tell I'm coming down with one now, what would you suggest the best way to stop it coming on, or at least make it not as horrible? I have to work all weekend and drive two hundred miles tomorrow. Bear in mind I can't take lemsip or anything like that....





  1. At the VERY FIRST SIGN I'll drink a lot of cranberry juice. If I catch it early enough the cold doesn't take hold. Seriously, it works.

  2. Try Echinacea tincture by Bioforce, from health food shops, its the best thing out for colds, flu.

  3. Try buying some vitamin C  tablets- in the really big bottles. not the kids vitamin c tablets- but the adult ones. they are so much better. have one of these every morning or night, and if you feel it isnt helping as much as you like, take one in th morning and one at night, they help soo soo much! also, i know you have heard this a thoussand times, but drink a lot of organe juice or limeade, or some other juice high in vitamin c

  4. There average person gets 7 viral respiratory illnesses a year, that is one every 7 weeks and i am afraid there is nothing you can do about it!

    Neither Oranges, lemons, garlic, honey, zinc, vitamins, specifically high dose vitamin C nor echinacea have no useful or protective effects.

  5. lemon and honey mix it togethr but don't swallow it let it roll down your throat works for me

  6. Take echinachea, eat a lot of garlic and/or onions, raw ideally and drink freshly squeezed orange juice. This always helps me! But I find it hard to eat raw garlic so I grill some buttered french bread, then sprinkle it with plenty of chopped fresh garlic, it's much easier to eat that way.  

  7. take zinc vitamins, it's supposed to up your immune system

  8. I have conquered many cold germs by taking large amounts of vitamin c tablets. 5000 to 10 000 iu on the first day. Smaller amounts on the 2nd and 3rd day. Its water soluble, so you will just pee it out. I just know, it's worked well for me in the past. Hope this helps.

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