
How to fend off hostility,especially when it is by people who don't know or don't care their energy is hostile

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How to fend off hostility,especially when it is by people who don't know or don't care their energy is hostile




  1. If it's in person in an ongoing real life situation, perhaps developing a shared sense of humor. Jokes. Laughter.

    Never argue with a drunk, or psychotic person.

    If it's the online stuff - the old saying is don't feed the troll. Most eventually tire of being ignored and move on to some new victim.

    In any case, never wrestle with a pig. The pig likes it, and you both get dirty.

  2. Stay away from them.

  3. Look at your feet, and keep on walking in the same direction...

  4. Be nice to them , it confuses them, and it makes you the bigger person

  5. Ignore them.  People hate to be ignored.

  6. since the problem starts within you as to what you can and can't accept, I suggest you have every thought enter you as though it was said with kindness so it won't bother you so much.

  7. Remember what other people say is a reflection of what they are on the inside. If what someone else says was intended as helpful or friendly or caring, they wouldn't be perceived as hostile. Rise above it, don't respond back in a hostile manner if you must respond (say if you're posed a legitimate question), and just provide your response or answer in a polite and thoughtful way. Then just walk from the situation and forget about it!

  8. Sometimes it's a challenge to not lash out at them, but the best thing to do is ignore them and walk away if possible.

  9. Energy can not be created nor destroyed, just moved from one form/place to another, just move away from them like they are contagious!

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