
How to fight bipolar without meds?

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i found out i have bipolar 2 years ago and been fighting it without meds since it's getting worse my mind is spinning have so much on my mind and somethings just get me so angry and somethings just get me so upset i wanna cry and i usely do what i love that makes me feel better...skate or watch movies but it's not workin just hopeing someone could tell me few things that i can do to fight it since im not on meds and please don't post sayin go on meds cause thats a personal choice =(...thank you.




  1. Jon my understanding of bipolar comes from a cousin who commited suicide.  One of his biggest challanges was that the treatment for bipolar is medication and a regimented activities and sleep cycle. e.g. wake up at X time, eat_______ at x time, go to work at x time, eat lunch at x time and eat_____, come home at x time.  Eat dinner of _______ at x time and work out at x time___________, watch tv from x time to x time and bed at x time.  He found this very boring.  The problem was that when he was manic his body (brain chemistry) got him "high" (for lack of a better word).  He felt he could do anything.  He felt incredible.  s*x was incredible.  He needed no sleep etc...  He missed the incredible feeling he had and he found living life by a schedule boring.  So he would go off his medicine and try to do it on his own while still feeling good.  His brain chemistry because of being bipolar could not let him do this.  When one is addicted to a drug he/she can't take it ever (eg. he could not live without falling into the self destructive pattern when he would go off the medication.  The medication and regiment for my cousin's being bipolar was what stoped  him from spining out of control.  But, it also bored him and made him crave the feelings he had without medication.  He went off his medicine and when he became depressed killed himself.  Had he stayed on his medication and lived by the program set up for him he would be alive today.  I miss him terribly.

    So, please take your medication and stick with a routine.  Imo and in my experience it is the only way.

  2. Bipolar is chemical imbalance in your system. You need to increase your vitamine and mineral intake through your diet. Drink V8 juice and eat raw vegetables and fruit, lots of them.Do push ups sit ups or other exercises to vent your execess energy and frustrations , you will find that you will sleep nights and be calmer in your invironment around people.

  3. make an appointment to see a psychologist (therapy/counselling professional) and talk... maybe simply talking about how you are feeling can help. They can help give you a plan of action to attack your every day struggles. But the fact that bipolar is a mood illness.... sometimes no matter what you do, something will throw you off.

    A good thing is to avoid stimulants like energy drinks, lollies, alcohol, caffeine... these things taken constantly can make a general person moody let alone a bipolar sufferer.

    I think you have already asked this question in a similar way earlier... so yeah, obviously medicine is not your choice. But how many years can you go on living like this? It robs you of your life. How you seek help and what type of help you seek depends on how much you really want off this emotional rollercoaster. Lithium is the best thing I could have turned too! And it's been 8 years that I've been battling this c**p!

    look after yourself.

  4. Hello,

    I am diagnosed with schizopal. I refuse meds for it.

    You may or may not know that some of the same symptoms of bi polar.

    One thing I have learned is to point out your good things to yourself, make it a habit.

    Surround yourself with people who care about you. You can put yourself down just fine you do not need people around you doing it for you. Get away from the negative people in your life (if you have kids not much you can do about there negativity).

    If your doctors are negative, get away from that one, find another.

    Learn about yourself. Nothing wrong with crying, do not fall for societies rules. Society does not care about us, get used to it.  

    What did you do before your diagnoses? Are you over the shock of the diagnoses, and the pity party? I think with all serious mental illnesses it takes time to get over "diagnoses shock".  Your only human.

    Find more things that make you happy then just two things. This is limiting yourself. Eating right, stay away from garbage such as fast food. Take vitamins, supplements.

    This is something you will live with the rest of your life. So you are just going to have to learn to deal.

    Wish you well!        

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