
How to fight laziness?

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I believe I am gifted, but extremely lazy. I have no motivation whatsoever learning stuff. I am currently enrolled in a great University, and the first few days have been nothing but boring. The amount of work is tremendous as well.




  1. Lazy or depressed? - speak to a therapist/councellor/doctor - they may be able to help you reignite your motivation. I am sorry you are feeling bored and downbeat but if you take no action to try and change that feeling then you will continue to feel this way and potentually feel worse over time.

    Seek guidance from a respectful and qualified proffessional and you will be able to live your life more fully and feel far more content with yourself then you do now.

  2. You'll get used to the work load eventually. I got lazy my sophomore year, and I really regret it now. What you need to keep in mind is that those grades will stick with you in the future, it's not like high school- if you want to go to grad school or land a competitive job, you can't let your grades slide too much.

    I'd suggest picking specific times each day to do your hw, and sticking to that schedule. A daily routine like that will force you to procrastinate less. Also, you might want to see a counselor at your school for more specific advice.  

  3. ur depressed my dude.  i know ur lik na im not buh im in counsoling buh dere wuz alot of S**t botherin me i didn kno.  Get help 4real im na even playin u could save alot of stress

  4. Cheer up; soon enough you will be on academic probation and then, not long after, you will no longer be enrolled in that great University.  You will then go out into the broad world and learn the meaning of a tremendous amount of work.

  5. You have to always think about your future. Not necessarily in five years, but in your future at the college. The harder you work now, the more it will pay off in the end.

  6. smoke more weed

  7. Get off the crounch and become less of a crounch potato.

  8. well first off, get off of the computer. try playing basketball with a bunch of friends thats what i do

  9. Some people find working in groups to be helpful .. I personally don't I tend to get distracted or to get answers from them.  You could set a schedule that you visit profs with questions/hw at a specific time every week and therefore you must get everything done before that day.  Or you can set an alarm when your working you know get the problem done in so many minutes if you get done early then your get the reward of a few minutes of laziness otherwise you must keep to your schedule, also you can make friends with a couple people in your classes and share your grades with them if you don't do the work your grades will reflect is and you will be duly embarrassed because it will make you look stupid(not as intelligent as you claim)... those are just a few suggestions, good luck with

  10. Drop out cuz you do not have to waste money. After you want to study, you can be back to school. You are not lazy, you may be interested in some other things.

  11. Laziness is a personal choice. However, having a healthy diet and regularly exercising will make you feel more energetic overall.

  12. I believe you have a problem with "character" and "accountability".  

    Pull yourself up by your boot straps and start your work.  What good is being "gifted" without honor.

  13. You've got to make yoursel want it.  Look at what you want to be/do and strive for it!

  14. Why did you go to college to begin with?  Just remind yourself that.  When I was going to college I tended to get unmotivated thinking that nothing's going to happen until 4 years from now when I get my degree.  Just take it one day at a time.

  15. I've always felt very similar to you - I'm a quick learner, can pick up anything (either physical or intellectual) easily, and yet have no motivation and am easily bored.  I never changed, never really tried to fight it, and turned out fine...  The key:

    Don't worry about it so much.  

    Some people just aren't able to be "oh, I'm so super happy and positive I can make anything happen with my will power and positive energy alone".

    I used to get frustrated with the way society has become like this.  But in the end I turned out fine just by being the way I am (in fact, I've been surprisingly successful even in this annoyingly market/business oriented world that sacrifices quality and personality for clever advertising and smooth words).  It may seem in this world that you can't be easily bored and lacking in motivation and still successful, but that's not true - your intelligence will do you perfectly fine.

    (That said, don't be "apathetic" - there are times you just have to do stuff you don't want to because it's the only socially acceptable choice, and it's okay to do that).

  16. get yourself pumped! think of the possibilities! make something of yourself! you can do it!

  17. I can call you an idiot, if you think that would help.

  18. think of all the things you can accomplish if you stick to it, think of yourself years from now and think how you want to live your life. Life is too short.

  19. Why don't you do something like making a web show. make your own site and stuff.

  20. pop a xanax

    dat will make feel better

  21. My parents just threaten me.

    Same way for me. I know I can do amazing things,

    I just hate the process in between. Eh, sorry, not much of an answer.

    You've just gotta tell yourself what's gonna happen if you don't do something, and if you want (or don't want) it bad enough, you'll be able to get off your **** and do something about it. Best of luck.

  22. See a counselor.  Perhaps you are depressed.

  23. There are dozens of books written about overcoming procrastination.  If you're currently enrolled in school, I'm sure you can find at least one in the library.  Some things I remember from my own reading are:

    (1) When you get that "I really should, but I don't feel like doing it now" feeling, stop yourself, and ask *why* you don't want to do it now.  Force yourself to rationalize your decision.  Most of the time, you'll realize that there is no good reason to put things off.  In fact, it's easier to do it now and get it over with.

    (2) Take the first step.  No matter how lazy you're feeling, if you start a project, you might find that you'll be able to carry through and finish it once that initial step has been taken.

    (3) When you're feeling lazy, but you *know* you should be doing something, write it down.  Write down what you should be doing and why you aren't.  See how many times a day you are choosing not to act.  Just seeing it in writing (and being forced to actually take the time to write it!) can be motivating.

    (4) This one is just from my personal experience, but get a buddy.  If you have trouble committing to studying at a certain time, make a deal with a friend or classmate who can study with you.  If you need to get out an exercise, find someone else who actually *is* a motivated person, and promise each other you'll commit to exercise on a regular basis.  Having a commitment to another person can really make a difference. When you're feeling lazy, they can help motivate you.  And if they are slacking off, you can motivate them.  By making a binding and serious commitment to each other,  you'll be amazed at how much you will each accomplish!

  24. sleep  :)
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