
How to fight off a Biker Gang?

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I am going on a road trip to california from chicago in a couple of weeks. ANd I read that you have to be careful of Native AMerican Biker Gangs. So I just want to know what do you do if they surround your car well driving on the highway? Please help me because i really want to take this trip but I don't want to get killed.




  1. If they surround you while your in your car run them over lol

  2. I've driven that way many times and I have never had nor even seen a Indian Biker gang, and I've driven through more Indian reservations than I can remember. So rest assured and if you need to worry about getting jacked up think about how the oil companies are getting you.

  3. you won't get attacked dude.. and if you do run like h**l

  4. I've been on a lot of road trips and I've always found bikers more likely to help you than hurt you. Don't believe everthing you read.

  5. If they are on Harleys just loudly play some Cher or Elton John music on the radio and they will think you are cool.

  6. Try begging them for mercy and crying like a baby. It probably won't work, but it will give them a good laugh.

  7. Don't worry. Some bikers have a way of finding trouble wherever they go, but they usually don't start anything with people who are just minding their own business.

  8. I've driven across the country and never had any within the law, don't act like a jackass and you'll be fine.

    You fight off a biker gang the same way as fighting off any other gang when you're outnumbered...with difficultly.

  9. ? lol,

    sounds like youv'e been watching way to many movies.

  10. Its been my experience that a 2000lb car trumps a 700lb motorcycle. Good luck to ya

  11. I have a very friendly biker friend don't worry

  12. you'll be ok native americans just like havin a lil fun. It only takes around 6 mos. for your hair to grow back. Im just kidding am I bad. Ive driven from North carolina to cali and back several times you'll be fine believe me. we drove thru arkansas, oklahoma and new mexico  it was great you wont regret anything believe me.

  13. I have driven twice in the past three years from North Carolina to California and never once did I enconter any biker gangs.  However, I will tell you that I have encountered them in other situations.

    One thing you can be sure of...they are not out to bother you unless you bother them.  It's just like poisonous snakes...leave them alone, they will leave you alone.  Don't act scared and don't act like you're about to be a  big hero, just mind your business and they'll mind theirs.  

    Don't believe all the Hollywood hoopla.

  14. Honey, I've found out in life if you don't bother people they usually won't bother you. My husband and his friend years ago were going to Montana. They were surrounded by a motorcycle club out on a desolate stretch of road. My husband told his friend to just not do anything stupid. They were all cordial and all was well.

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