
How to fight someone that is quick?

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I'm gonna fight a kid tomorrow.

Supposedly He's VERY quick put he doesn't have the strongest punches. He's black.

How can I defend myself against a flurry of random haymakers?




  1. Stare him down... use a peek-a-boo style in defending yourself... always look at his moves and wait til he attacks... if he does... back off then give him a counter punch... never ever attack! let him  be the one attacking you!

  2. The only way to beat superior speed is with superior timing.

  3. Doesn'tmatter if he is quick..your best best bet is to get 2 inches fromhis nose. No matter how quick he is, his punches will have no effect this close.

    Grab him and throw him down.

  4. use the jab to keep him at distance and the jab will also help u to judge which punch to counter or wut to throw next. the best thing to use against speed fighters, is to go to the body, that will kill his legs. but ur best bet is to look for the quick KO. so just use the "judge jab" then look for ur opening. go for a huge hook or uppercut on the chin. good luck and dont forget to keep moving.

  5. ok.. strength is speeds weakness. so if he is fast. u must be strong.. so, he is prolly gunna keep swinging at you with the speed of a cheetah.. so that will be good.. but if that doesnt happen, make sure it does.. Then that will leave him open.. So when you think it is the right time hit him with the HARDEST haymaker ever.. in the face..

  6. I hope you are talking about a boxing match and not a street fight (street fights are not worth it believe me) in that case your best bet is the jab however if you have never seen the kid fight make sure you get all the information possible before you fight him, anyway if he is really fast then make sure you keep the distance and one thing DO NOT  try to throw the jab in his face,try to go for the chin/chest area (bigger area of impact) because if he is fast he could dodge it and get inside to knock you out with quick counters (trust me i have had a personal experience ) simply keep him away with your longest ranged punch *the jab* (or kick if it is a street fight) and then catch hin with a power shot as soon as you see a clean opening or fake him with a jab and catch him with a power punch instead (right cross if you are right handed or left cross if you are left handed) and remember one thing DO NOT STOP TO THINK ABOUT WHICH MOVE YOU SHOULD MAKE DURING THE FIGHT! during the fight your mind has to be 100% on your opponent deny him the chance to move or get close and control the pace with your jab,this will slow him down and give you the advantage since you have the most power.

  7. I once heard Vernon Forrest( ex world champion) say that the best way to counter speed is with a good jab- use it to keep him at a distance and slow him down. Also, be ready to counter-punch quickly when he misses or gets sloppy.

    I wish you luck. I hope you win. In the future, only fight as a last resort. Let me know what happens.

  8. Get really close to him, cover your face. If he is a fast puncher and knows it, he will probably get busy trying to push you away from him and get some distance but when he does that is when you punch, get close to him, butt him with your head if possible and when he pushes you out again you punch. Block, punch, block. Punch, punch. Explode for a while but make sure each punch counts, don't just punch like a crazy. Try kicking him like if you were kicking a soccer ball but with your leg and not your foot. Have fun, be safe and don't overwhelm your self with emotion if you loose, it's all good anyway. Watch a bunch of fight videos on you tube and learn something from them...

  9. you come get me duuuuhhhhhhhh

  10. I'm going to guess this is a fight and not a boxing match. As a ju-juitsu and wrestling oriented guy, I'm going to advice to protect your face, close the distance and go for a double leg takedown (step forward on to a knee, grab his legs at the knee joint, pull them up and towards you at the same time while stepping up.) Do this very fast, and once he's on the ground, make two hammer fists and POUND (not punch) his face in. Aim for the nose and mouth. If he's blocking real good, grab him by the neck and choke/bang his head off the ground.

    I'm guessing he's never been trained to fight, and there are few amatuers who will know how to handle defending their face and escaping the beating at the same time. You should have him beaten in to submission in less than a minute.

  11. Firstly speed = strength, the faster a punch is going the more speed it is gonna have. But as for flurries the punches tend to not be very powerful especialy when compared to single punches or combos. Flurries often move too fast for the eye to see(at least one that isn't used to seeing punches), so your best bet is to back up and punch at the same time, or if this is mma(my sport) you could try to kick to keep him at a distance so his punches can't connect. But other than that liek i said before just try to get out of the way of them, since it will be hard to block unless u have a lot of experince. Oh and fighting for competion and sport is all good and fine, but fighting someone out of anger isn't and is something you should try to avoid

  12. if hes quick you have to smother his punches. you cant let him get off on you. you have to stay as close to him as possible thats the only way he want be able to capatalize with speed. do not allow distance between you. wrestle him do not let him get room enough to throw punches otherwise he will kick your but with his speed. a true boxer hates to be wrested or smother it doesnt allow him to throw punches so openly and freely. if your not a fighter and he is dont try to box him just stay close and wrestle him.

  13. umm... dont fight at all. talk it out. do u really want to get violent?

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