
How to fight termination fees?

by  |  earlier

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i have qwest dsl for couple months ,i did not sign no contract when i order over it the phone.

now i want to cut it they said $200 termination fees .

any help to avoid the fee would be nice to





  1. If you received any special "package pricing" or free items, a cable modem, etc... Then you have entered into a contract with Quest and as such would be required, by law, to pay the termination fees.  You had to have signed paperwork with Quest at some point to begin service.

  2. When you ordered it over the phone you might have unknowingly agreed to a 1 year or 2 year agreement and are subject to the $200 fee. It sucks, trust me. They can put it into collection and it can mess your credit up. Call them to verify if you do have a contract, if they say no, then you are not subject to termination fees

  3. Ouch,did you sign anything or agree to anything over the phone?There may be no way out ecept to pay them,Iv'e heard a few bad things about quest

  4. When the installer came, did you turn him away or accept him into your home?  He usually has you sign an invoice.  Or if you did self-installation, did you turn away UPS/Fedex?

    If you accepted it, then you agreed to accept their services.  We live in an information world, and signatures aren't always necessary.  They can record your voice giving approval over the phone.  They can cite your acceptance as agreement.

    You usually have one month to cancel your service...since you waited more than 1 month to cancel, you'll have to pay.

    The only way out of the termination fee would be if you could get qwest to drop you.  Nagging their customer service often, etc. might flag you for using too much resources and they might decide that you're not a customer that they want to have around.

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