
How to fight very fast?

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How to fight very fast?




  1. train train and train

  2. DISCLAIMER: I am not liable for what you do with the information provided.

    Well there is alot involved with "fighting fast". Since you asked a very broad question, I'll give you as much detail as I can.

    Speed is involved with developing fast twitch muscles and whatever you're using to strike. This is why sprinters have alot of fast twitch muscles in their legs while cross country runners have alot of slow twitch muscles so they can have alot of endurance.

    For developing fast twitch muscles in your arms for punches I recommend using isometrics, plyometrics, and resistance training. How you do this is up to you. You generally want to do all these according to your style and techniques.  If your using kickboxing for example, you would do resistance, isometrics, and plyometrics training for all the hooks, punches, jabs, and kicks involved. Do the same for your kicks as well. Obtaining a punching bag or going to somewhere with one will greatly help you

    Your style is totally up to you but I highly recommend getting involved in a martial arts school. MMA, or some other form of trained fighting. Remember though you  also have to stay fit if you want to become good.

    If you have speed it doesn't mean jack without power. If you train somewhere you'll learn this but power comes from turning your hips. Enough said.

    Foot work just takes practice but once again work on your fast twitch muscles and stay on the balls of your feet.

    Also be prepared to get into a clinch or go to the ground. It's best to train for both of these since it happens in almost every fight.

    Lastly, try and avoid fights. Being a tough guy will only make your life worse and harder in the long run. It's best to only use it to defend yourself. You can possibly even be arrested if you make a stupid mistake. This information is for self defense purposes only. Remember though if your going to train you body train it as close to what your preparing for (Bruce Lee).

  3. Shadow box with ankle and wrist weights to improve striking speed and work on your agility to be able to move fast during a fight. And to fight fast, you also have to think fast.

  4. Don't do it slow.

  5. train, train, train.

    the first thing is correct technique, then speed and power can become part of it.

    once you are correctly punching, chopping and kicking, the rest gets easier. cardio fitness helps too

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