
How to figure out Korean currency converted to US currency?

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I was given a korean bill for a gift from a family member in korea. I got a 5000 korean bill and a 10000 bill. Can anyone tell me what its value is in the US and if I wanted to exchange it since I have no use for it where could I possible go....I live in Overland Park KS...turning out the local KS banks dont do it or have a d**n clue. Thank you for your help!!!!




  1. First, you may want to use this website tool  It will give you more of a real time idea of what the current exchange rate is, but don't get too excited as I believe you are holding around $15.00 US Dollars between the two notes.  You may just want to keep them as a souvenir.  Before you take my word for it though, you may want to make sure it is South Korean currency you have and more importantly, that it isn't old or historic where it would be worth more than face value to a collector.

    If not, I believe the Bank of Kansas City has international currency services or you can call the Federal Reserve of Kansas City who may be able to point you in the right direction.  The fee, if there is one, may make it pointless.

  2. It's about 1000 won to the US dollar.  So your 5000 won bill and is worth $5.02 and the 10000 is worth $10.04 at the moment.

  3. You can find your answer at, and use the currency converter!

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