
How to figure out how much tax to take out of my check

by  |  earlier

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I work for a web cam modeling company and I have to take out my own taxes from the paychecks I receive so I was wondering how much should I take out. I make about $700.00 per pay check.. So is there like a certain percentage I should set aside every month?

Oh please don't tell me the dangers of webcam or selling s*x. I know the risks, I'm not a little girl. I just need tax help Thanks!




  1. You don't say how often you get paid, and that makes a big difference.  If it's weekly, and that's your only income,  you should make quarterly payments to the IRS of around 30 percent to cover income and self-employment taxes .

    If your state has a state income tax, then you should be making quarterly payments there too.  Since tax rates are so different in different states, no way to tell you a percent there without knowing where you are.

  2. What state fo you live in, are you in the U.S? We cant help you with this question without knowing those details first.  

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