
How to find a group of girls to sit with at lunch?

by  |  earlier

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I mean like I know people who I want to sity with it at lunch that I met at Orientation but.. I highly doubt I'll find them at lunch.

(my school has 4000 people. even though 3000 have the option of outside lunch there are still about 500 people during each lunch period)

So should I just be like "Hey can I sit here"

What if I pick some s****. girls and they'll be like "Yeah..." then won't even talk?




  1. everyone is new to the school so chances are their gonna let you sit with them

    and if they dont talk, dont sit with them again

  2. same problem here=/

    make friedns with people in the class b4 lunch

    that shud work

    if not

    sit alone...i do it now..and ive managed to not be embaressed by it

    usually people tag along


  3. well ask your friends where do they sit and  then ask them if you  could sit with them cause you have no1 to sit with

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