
How to find a gullfriend ?

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@RockROSS : No, I think they'll think no one can make such a beautiful wordplay.




  1. Learn to spell correctly. Maybe they think you're dumb. Stupid Gulls

    reply to zardoz: Haha! I'm guessing that's what gulls would be into.

  2. on my beach, i have many seagull, they are my friends...

    i have also some nice girlfriends , baby chicken, baby boom....

  3. Haha everyone.... :-) Just go to the mall     s are always there

  4. Find Nemo first.  The gullfriends will follow.

  5. Ive Got Starlings, Cardnals, Blue-jays,and Titmice but no Gulls

  6. Go to the Town Dump.  You will find lots of gulls there.

  7. Just feed them every day. I feed 4 or 5 gulls and I like to think they're my friends

  8. Well.. there are some on the beach, you could ask one out. They might speak in different tongues though. Kind of like a chirping noise. Be warned they like to c**p on you too. I had one once. That gull was so messy.

  9. Become Jonathan Livingstone !!

    bise toi

    He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his

    fear was under control. Then without ceremony he hugged in his  forewings,

    extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged direcfly toward the  sea.

    By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity,

    the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move  no

    faster. He was flying now straight down, at two hundred fourteen miles per

    hour. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed  be'd

    be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. But the speed  was  power,

    and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty.

    ( Richard Bach)

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