
How to find a job in London?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not experienced and I've a basic level in english. I don't care wich job but I muste find one.

I've been here for 3 weeks, I've had many interviews in catering but they don't want me.

I don't now what to do.




  1. try McDonalds, or go to pizzerias and ask there.. they always need someone..  depends on what kind of job you're looking for

  2. Register with an agency. are good. They will contact you with some suggestions.

    Good luck.

  3. You can't get hospitality work in London if you are British,maybe a chance in the country.Already tried it! Apply for live-in work.

    These have alot of live-in jobs,also try.

    and put in Dee Cooper into the search engines.

    Good luck!

  4. You seem to be foreign, forgive me if I am wrong.  There are agencies around London provide jobs for short-term and unskilled workers.  I used to use one near London Bridge (sorry, it was a long time ago, I can't remember exactly), but I am sure there are some others out there.

  5. Hi,

    Take a look at the link below girl.

  6. heaps of work on the street corners

  7. try the Imperial hotel group in Russel Sguare, dont know where your living but they have staff quarters so you have a job and a roof over your head and friends in the same position

  8. Just walk into any pub or cafe and ask if they need staff.You may get lucky.

  9. Could get in touch with me bud, need someone to keep me warm this winter!.....

  10. hun! i'm sure you'll be asking the same question this time next year!

  11. Try

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