
How to find a lost robo hamster?

by  |  earlier

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it's because let my hamster out of his cage to play outside

because the cage is to small.

and he went in my mom's room

but there's a lot of tight spaces he can go into

so i need help.


i lost him yesterday like at 12:00 am




  1. put like a den or small cage out put food in it watch it and hopefully he will go in it and you can grab him i have lost my hamster twice and that worked both times hope i helped.

  2. Frankie shame on you! i'm not letting you take him home with you anymore, just kiddingg! hahaa. but really, do the flour on the floor idea, that way we know which direction he has been.


    good luck babe(:

  3. Put a small amount of food (like three sunflower seeds) in each corner.  When it goes missing - you will know he is in the area.

    Look in the bottom drawers - that is where my hamster loved to hide.

    Wait until dark - be still and quite - listen for movement.

    Get a hamster ball - they can run all around the house without being "loose".  Be careful if you have stairs.

  4. put some soft stuff ina bucket with a ramp leading up 2 it and put food in it , the hamster will smell the food climb rtamp fall in and not be able 2 get back out he will not be injured as the soft stuff will pad his fall . good luck xx

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