
How to find an agent in UK for acting? Will my Disability effect acting?

by Guest44712  |  earlier

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i have done 4 drama Christmas shows at school and now i planning to do acting again. i just started working on film script and drama.

I am 21 years old and i not ready to do acting yet because i just started to lose weight as i am overweight which i am 20 stone and planning to lose 8 or 9 stone. Then i hopeful start looking for agent. I am deaf as i wear hearing aids and i from UK

I know it will be long time for me to lose weight but after i lost weight hopeful i do acting one day.




  1. You don't say which part of the country you are in, but there is a group called Chicken Shed Theatre which takes all people with all kinds of disability.  It might be a good place to get started as they run all kinds of workshops. I have posted a link.  It looks as if they have workshops in different parts of the country.

  2. Your hearing aids are not problem, there are invisible ones, I do not know that your learning problems will be a difficulty in acting, but you do not have the necessary experience and training to get an agent and be an actor. YOu need to be in lots more plays and go to professional acting school.

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