
How to find an modeling Agency thats not a scam?

by  |  earlier

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Iv bin tryin to find an agency on the internet to sent my portfolio to but every site i come across seems to be some one wanting to take ur money...HELP please?




  1. Fact of life, modeling agencies get more portfolios that they can possible look at, they come to you not the other way around. They "find" their own models. Its pure luck to get work of any sort as a model, even the undesirable type of modeling. So look for something else, and if you have got that certain something, they will find you.

  2. It's always hard figuring out the genuine from the false but here are some tips.

    1) Look in the yellow pages for local agencies you can meet face to face - this is one of the times when you don't want to rely on the internet - you want someone who you can go back to not just a website address.

    2) Don't pay any money up front. None of the agencies I've ever used have requested money upfront and any genuine agency with real potential clients for you to work for will ask for it purely because if they can get you a deal it will make money for them - that's how a real agency will pay the rent.

    3) Don't get involved with someone purely online or by telelphone - make sure you meet someone face to face.

  3. Call Ford and try to get an interview, and ask them for a list of other legitimate agencies. You can also look in fashion news and get names of well established agencies. For every one good agency, there are 1000 which are scams or fronts for anything to porno setups or even prostitution to some dealers in slavery, so be careful who you see face to face.

  4. Go for the big names - Elite, Ford, IMG, Women Model Management, 1 Model Management, Wilhelmina, Marilyn, Next, MC2, DNA, New York Model Management, Click Models, Q Management

    Check their websites and see if they let you submit photos online or you have to send them in, and when they have open calls.

    If any "agency" asks you to pay for anything, avoid them. You will just end up losing money.

    You don't need to have a portfolio to get signed by an agency, so don't waste your money. Once you are signed, the agency will take care of test shoots for your portfolio and won't charge you for them.

  5. it doesn't cost any money to find an agent for anything. the only money spent up front will be for your pictures or portfolio.

    if your in so. calif pick up a copy of a trade journal called

    VARIETY you can find it pretty much anywhere in hollywood.

    you should be able to find a print agent in there. or at least a lead to find one. i would not do anything with anyone over the internet.

  6. yellow pages. long established firms with professional awards and/or big offices.

  7. Maybe the yellow pages... otherwise, just wait to be discovered.

  8. Definitely avoid the online agencies because you are bound to find hundreds of scams. Always remember that you should never have to pay for anything. I would suggest yellowpages, as well as checking locations outside of your city. Depending of where you currently live, there may be more oppurtunities outside of your hometown. You might have to start from different angles, such as getting into acting. Audition to as many places as you can. It will help get your foot in the door and be noticed without even searching.

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