
How to find finger prints on cloth or paper

by  |  earlier

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I went to the dark night july 30th and i set my purse down and i forgot it. one day later my mom got a call that said my purse and my wallet was found empty at the back of the theater. i got my purse and wallet back and the woman who found gave me money but i still want to find out who did it. so i wanna know how to find finger prints on cloth or paper?




  1. Leave that up to crime scene detectives.  More than likely, if a felony wasn't committed (by the sounds of it, this wasn't a felony), they won't even submit it for testing.

  2. Trooper is right with the iodine fuming..also crazy glue fuming works well for paper too (cyanoacrylite fuming). But, hes wrong when he says theyres no automated system. There is, actually, and its called AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) that scans and logs all prints entered into it. Its basically useless unless the person your looking for has been enteres before, but sometimes you actually can get a hit. But, it doesnt really matter b/c i doubt the police will take the time to do it, seeing as you did get your stuff back.  

  3. sorry wish could help

  4. Iodine fuming is the best way to lift prints from paper.

    However, the evidentary value of  fingerprints is overrated. First of all , there is no automated database like you see on TV, they have to be hand checked. This means unless you have a suspect, they are of little value. If the suspect does not have his prints on file, there is nothing to compare. In addition, if the person can justify why his prints are there, they are of no value.

    For these reasons, I doubt local law enforcement would attempt to lift prints unless you had a suspect, or unless it was a serious offense.

  5. well, first of all there are going to be the fingerprints of many different people on there...  figuring out exactly which prints belong to the person who took your stuff is almost impossible

    second, even if you manage to get a full fingerprint off your purse, and it DOES belong to the person who took your stuff, what are you going to compare the fingerprint with? you need a database of fingerprints in order to match it to someone... and the criminal system only has fingerprints of people who have been arrested....

    in short, its unlikely you'll ever find out who took your stuff unless someone admits it to you, or saw it happen.... just take it as a lesson learned, and next time try to keep better track of your purse...

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