I speak and read korean perfectly and have competent writing skills. I'm a political science major from a top 20 national school... but except some managerial experience throughout my 3 years of schooling, my resume is obviously lacking. What kind of job can i get in a korea or japan that doesn't involve tutoring or being a teacher? I was hoping I would be at least qualified to be a translator or work in journalism.
Also, honestly, I don't want to stay longer than 6-7 months per country if at that. I'm primarily going to these countries to travel the world before entering law school. I also want to stay in mexico for a couple of months to brush up on my conversational spanish, and perhaps europe if time and money permits.
I know these conditions are a bit restrictive, but is it possible to find a non-education related job that will hire me for only 1/2 year stretches, and if so, how would I go about finding these jobs? Suffice it to say, google has led me nowhere.