
How to find motivation at uni?

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ever since i went to uni last year i've found no motivation. My dad picked what i'm doing now which is engineering. I don't really know what i want and i really need to get help before it's too late. Maybe go on a working holiday? or something else? any help would be greatly appreciated




  1. Motivation comes when there is a mind to receie it.  If you close your mind it cannot influence you.  Open your eyes, ears and mouth and hands for will receive tons of motivation from your surroundings.

    Look at the University...its inspiring buildings, campus, charged air soaked in knowledge calmly breezing at the knowledge-seekers.  Hear to your fiends who are inspired, your teachers and professors who have moulded hundreds of your seniors and colleagues with their motivation.  Listen to their voices and aim at achieving new heights with the help of knowledge.  Ask, request, beg for more enlightenm,ent, knowledge, methods, processes, practices and constant guidance from your teachers, parents and family members and good friends.  Use yourhands to carry great books, pens, and to write down great words of knowledge, copy them and re-write them so that they get fixed in you mind so that they straighten and shape your behaviour.  smell the scent of libraries, laboratories, research dens.

    If your mind refuses to obey, it will take you dust-bin!

  2. first, you have to pick your major. you can't let your dad or anyone decide that for gonna let him run the rest of your life too? you might not be motivated because you probably hate engineering....thats really difficult ****. take a bunch of varied courses to see what you like.....if you want to p**s your dad off study archaeology.....least lucrative major ever....

    or ya, just take a semester off and get a job doing somethign cool.

  3. get some poon boy!

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