
How to find my family tree?

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I recently went to a family reunion and found out that I along with only about 100 other people are direct descendants of King Kamehameha I. Our blood runs right through the kings and queens only to be diluted within the last two generations. (When the "white man" took over) Ha lol. I was wondering if there is any way to find my family tree.




  1. If you want to find embarrassing skeletons, rattling to get out of the cupboards, carry on.  Who the h**l wants to go raking up the past.  Live and enjoy each day as it comes, and forget the old bones.  I am descended from lady courtiers to the King, not all respectable thank God.  xx

  2. A part you can do via the Internet, but even better is to travel(cost money) and when you have as much names as you can from your family and dead records, marriage records etc.. would help you to find the right info.

  3. You research it or you have it done by genealogist. can help with both options.To get it done right,have it done by a professional!

  4. Try this link that gives the Hawaiian Royal Family's genealogy starting in the early part of the 19th century with King Kamehameha I:

    A better place to post this question would have been "Genealogy".


  5. Thats really cool, i found out that i am from the Kennedy clan in Ireland, and with some of the people in our families past i wouldnt want to be like. but yes there is a way for you to find out and what i used is a website called it helped me just becareful, you may not like what you find. good luck!

  6. join and look for them

  7. yes ,search ur family dynasty name in Google ,, be careful once ppl now ur part of a dynasty or a ruling family u will be jagged by how u walk how u talk and even ur weight i had 2 become anorexic 2 fit it the "stereotype" i'm from the AL-Thani dynasty keep ur secrets 2 ur self

  8. Ask your father where it's planted.

  9. Check your DNA

  10. Check with Kamehameha Schools--I think they know the geneology since they confirm pre-contact Hawaiian blood.  There has been intermarriage with mostly whites by Hawaiians for hundreds of years, not just the last two generations.  The most direct Kamehameha descendents are the Kawananakoas, which include Abigail and her nephew Quentin.

  11. Since Kamehameha is Hawaiian, I doubt there are any written records from before the "white man's intrusion" Every Hawaiian can claim to be descended from royalty, because of lack of proof. All Hawaiians would seem to have a common DNA.

    You can draw whatever family lineage you wish, because it cannot be disproved.

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