
How to find out if a child been born?

by  |  earlier

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Ex-gf is pregnant and cut off all communication. Cannot even message her on myspace because she put a block on everyone unless your her friend and even then she denies friend request. If the child is born, how can my friend get to see the child. Ex-gf probably left father's info blank on birth certificate. She will not speak to any mutual friends. She refuses to let father know any info of the child, even name. She doesn't want child support. What can the father do to get proof that child is his? How can he take her to court if he doesnt' even know if the child is born or not, let alone what the child's info is?




  1. Is there any way to talk to the mother's family? Or are they behind her all the way on this. I would assume by the fact she wont have anything to do with anyone that there is a baby. She sounds very protective. His best bet is to take her to court regardless if he knows if there is a baby. He could petition her to court and explain that he wanted to know if there was a baby and if so he wants a paternity test.  Its a hard situation. Good Luck to your Friend.

  2. are u married?  if not, you aren't legally the baby's father.  don't  sweat it.

  3. tough situation

    alot of hospitals have a photo site attached to them so parents can brag about their babies, if you know the hospital she will go to you can see if they has such a website, some will only let you view the babies if you know a password but for some just knowing mom's name is enough.

    as far proving paternity I'd advise you to talk to a lawyer, you may even be able to find one that won't charge for the initial consultation

  4. Your friend can take her to court where they will have the child and "maybe" father take a paternity test.  If it's his, they will assist him in getting visitation rights, along with assiting him making arrangements for child support payments.

  5. Go to court, if you can't afford a lawyer there are clerks there that can direct you to the appropriate forms to fill out.  You can request a paternity test and request aprtial custody.  If you get half custody then your child support decreases AND you get to bond with your baby more!

    It is very wrong of her to be doing this to you and mostly to the BABY!  I commend you for pursuing a relationship with the baby, please don't give up.  Remember to always keep the best interest of the child in mind, even if the mom is a b*tch, just ignore it and pursue visitation with your baby!

    edit:  why doesn't he try to have a relationship (friendship) with the mother, try to patch things up so that they can have some communication.  Not a romantic in any way just so that the lines of commication can be opened.  Has he tried to do a people search on Yahoo or contact the family members. If he finds her he can offer her help, go to dr visits with her, maybe help finiancially for crib, clothes, etc.  Even if it ends up not being his child how about if it is, I am sure he would like to have been part of the pregnancy.

  6. Did the father sign over all of his rights? If not, they will have to do a DNA test and if he is the father, he has rights.

    Talk to a lawyer!

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