
How to find out if im adopted?

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ok i think im adopted because i have dif. hair colorer blood type attuide and the way i talk and i want to find out if im adopted! someone please help





  2. You can easily have different har color and blood type from your biological parents, especially if you have the genetically recessive form of the trait-- this doesn't necessarily mean that you're adopted. Ask your parents directly but politely or ask to look at your birth certificate. Chances are, you're not adopted.

  3. The things you describe do not mean you were adopted and nobody is born with an accent.

  4. Well, you've had a lot of people suggest looking at your birth certificate.  However, when a person gets adopted, the person's birth certificate gets thrown into the adoption files, which are then sealed.  An amended "birth" certificate is issued that shows the adoptive parents and their information in place of the natural parents.

    So, unless you actually saw your ORIGINAL birth certificate, it would be hard to say from your amended one without seeing a few clues.  One of the biggest clues is the filing date of the birth certificate.  These days, most of the time (no, not always) birth certificate are filed within a short time after a birth.  If an amended certificate was issued, there were be a longer period from the time of birth to the filing date.

    For example, I was adopted when I was 2 years old.  My amended birth certificate shows a filing date a little over 2 years after my birth.  This is a clue that I may have been adopted, since 2 years is a while.

    The other thing you can do is wait until you're an adult and apply for your original, pre-adoption, birth certificate.  If one exists, you'll at least be able to find out that it does.  Of course, if it does exist, that means you were adopted.  

    You can apply for it and receive it, as an adult, but only in some states.  Here a link that will give you the laws regarding that for each state:

    For the time being, you can check for oddities on the birth certificate that you have, such as the longer period between birth and filing of the certificate.  If your parents don't have a copy of it for you to view, you can order one from your state's office of vital records.  As far as I know, you do NOT have to be an adult in order to do this.

  5. First of all the southern accent is unlikely a sign of adoption.  My suggestion is to sit down and have a serious conversation with your parents.  You could request a blood test to confirm they are your biological parents however that could hurt them.  When you are 18 if you aren't already you could look into possible adoption records through the probate courts in your area.  Your birth certificate will not say you were adopted by the way, or at least mine doesn't. Good luck!

  6. Why dont you try confronting your parents?


  8. just ask your parents

    parents always love to answer those

    kind of questions, they really do

    and then ask for lots of money

    then have a tantrum

  9. If I were you I wouldn't try to find that out. As long as your parents love you and take care of you well, it doesn't matter if their your blood parents or not. If you find out that you were adopted, then it may ruin the relationship you have with your current family .

  10. If you were legally adopted, your birth certificate will not tell you. It will have your adopted parents names on it. As far as hair color, no big thing there. My husband and I are brunette and our kids are blonde. It happens. Blood is concrete. You will have one of their blood types. If it doesn't match either, you may be adopted. Or your father isn't really your father. You have to ask them. If they tell you no, take it. Maybe they are your parents and you are hurting their feeling by suggesting otherwise. If you really are adopted, maybe they will tell you some other time. Like when you get older.

  11. Does your dad look at you in a sexually explicit way?  If so, you are adopted, or in Alabama

  12. Those reasons don't sound like enough to think you're adopted. My dad has B positive blood, my mom has A positive... ALL their children  have negative blood types. It doesn't mean we were adopted or our dad isn't really our dad. It's fairly normal genetically to have a different blood type. And as for the way you talk... speech is a learned behavior not an inherited one. Hair color also doesn't really determine anything. Two blonde parents could theoretically have a red headed child with the proper genetic make ups.

    Edit: I don't remember much from when I was a child either, that still doesn't mean I was adopted. Also, like I said before a southern accent is a LEARNED behavior. You don't inherit an accent. Ask people that were born in China but grew up in the USA for a very young age... I can guarantee you they won't sound like their counterparts who lived in China their whole lives. Also, my parents don't have many pictures of me... it's not because I was adopted it's because they didn't have time to take pictures of me with so many other kids and things going on.

    JustAGirl... You couldn't be farther from the truth about blood type. I've talked with my doctor about this before and a person can most certainly have a different blood type than either of their parents. It's really normal actually.

  13. birth record but it may not always be on there they don't have to list parents however the hospial will be listed there sometimes and you could start there

  14. i would err on the side of your gut.  ask again and again.

  15. Your birthj certificate...

    Ask your parents... tell them you trust them not to lie to you.

    Hospital Records...

    etc etc

    But dont just jump to conclusions...

    You might look like a relative that died 100 years ago???

  16. after you turn 18

    i think then you can get your birth records w/o having your parents find out

    and even by bloodtypes you can find out if you were adopted

    but thats kind of hard to

    because if your mom is A.

    and your dad is B.

    you can be everything from A, B, AB, and O

    if your parents are O recessive

    so just go check your birth records

    and/or ask your parents

  17. If your parents both have the same blood type it is almost impossible to have a completely different one if you are their natural child.  (i.e. your dad is AB, your Mom is B - you can't be an "O").

    Perhaps you are asking the question in a threatening manner or angry moment.  There maybe some reason in your family's past why they just don't feel comfortable telling you.  You should respect that.  

    Attitude and accent have nothing to do with who your parents are.  We ALL think we have a different attitude than our parents!  

    In the end, what difference does it make?

  18. erm..ask the people you live with.

  19. Ask parents, if you don't believe, then ask proof like a blood test.

  20. DNA test will answer any questions about your parentage.

  21. My sister went through this as a pre-teen.  Turns out that our grandfather was not really our biological grandfather... and guess who is she looks most like!  She didn't have the same build as any of the rest of us, etc.  Past the eyebrows, you must really look for similiarities.  

    It may be a situation like that, so handle it delicately out of respect for them.  It might be bad memories for them that they had hoped they never would have to reveal.

  22. ask your parents or look at your birth certificate

  23. your parents probably look down at the ground in disappointment.  they probably feel sad and maybe think that you are unhappy with your family and that you wish you were part of another family.  blood relatives, including your parents, can have a different blood type.  I resemble my mother in MANY ways and I'm adopted.  it's very sad that you won't believe your parents when they say they are yours.  but if you are serious about knowing if they are your parents, ask them if they would be willing to take a blood test.  that would tell you if they are your parents.  blood type has nothing to do with this situation.  you can have 3 different blood types between you and your parents, but a blood test would show if you're blood related.

  24. Birth cert may not be the answer.  Something like 10% of children in the US are sired by individuals other than their biological father, so you can take solace in knowing that it could just be a case of good ol' fashioned cuckoldry.

  25. birth certificate i think it should have it on there

  26. not that easy depending on what year you where born.. my hubby was adopted by his dad & he was adopted by his dad only& he just signed the birth cert..alot of family members adopt other family members cause of secrets & stuff. good luck try to ask your mom & dad.. good luck

  27. Your accent does not come from your genes.

  28. Birth certificate

  29. No one in my family has my blood type, hair color, or eye color. The accent is what you adapted too. You're probably not adopted.

  30. dude i'm adopted but if you really do not know by now idk what to tell you. go to your birth sheet and see if the parents names matches up to the parents you have now

  31. Ask them straight out and tell them you want the truth and nothing but

    Or ask for a DNA test

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