
How to find out other people's WEP key???

by  |  earlier

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I was using this dude's network for a while , until he put a WEP key on his network, now i can go to Xbox live , I even pay 50 bucks for a year membership! So is there any thing i can do to know other people's WEP key???




  1. Yes, there are ways of hacking it.  But that's illegal.  Get your own connection and stop stealing others'

    But do a little research on Cain and Abel.

  2. WEP and WPA are passwords intended specifically to keep unregistered, unknown users out of the network. You cannot trick them, guess the password or circumvent the security and utilize their access point, whether you're using a pokey little Nintendo DS unit, a Sony PSP, or even a high-powered Mac or PC laptop.

    With that in mind, I can now answer your questions: there is not a common WEP key because that'd be like having a keyed doorlock on your front door, but having it use the same key code as every other door on the street. It'd be useless.

    ******but you can just try to Cracking WEP and WPA Wireless Networks*********

  3. Highly unlikely unless ure good a guessing there catchphrase or numeric code.

    more chance of winning the lottery i think.

    As you can imagine if there was a way to hack into somesone router after they have encypted it that would defeat the object of having the Wep in the 1st place.

    better stop smoking or drinking to save the pennys.

    Here in the Uk people have actually been taken to court and fined for hijacking other peoples signal, as its theft.

    mer personally think its there own fault for not securing it but then u would not want someone coming into ure home and helping themselves just coz u had left the door unlocked.

  4. For one thing, he probably did like I did. Somebody put a virus on my network connecting to my wireless, so I WEP keyed it. Plus, some people have wireless and they pay for every bit of bandwidth they use. I have unlimited, and had no problem with someone else on my wireless, but they put a virus on me. Oh, and by the way, you can be CHARGED for accessing another persons network. Many people do it, but it is illegal. To answer your question:

    It's very easy but I don't know how to help you.

    Be careful, they CAN look at the records of their IPs and see who it was that connected to them. I did it, found out it was the guy next door.

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