
How to find people in italy?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of years ago i met somebody from italy. we kept in touch for some years but then the contact stopped. wrote a letter, but i got the letter back to my home, the person doesnt live at that adress anymore. I still want to keep in touch, but i have no idea how to track the person down. does anybody has an idea how you can find somebody in italy, when you just know the name? thank you.




  1. You can search for people on -- it's the online version of the white pages. But you need to have a least put in a province in order for the search to work -- it won't search all of Italy for you. I recommend you start by searching in the province where you last knew this person lived -- Italians don't tend to move far from home.

    Good luck!

  2. i'm italian.. you can try on you write his/her name and probably it'll find him/her...

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