
How to find who is sending anoym. email?

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I have someone emailing me that wont tell me who they are. They say that they know me but they wont reveal who they are. How do I find out who this is without going to the cops?




  1. Well you need to give more details. What kind of email address is it? Hotmail?

  2. Go to the email and click on "show original" depending on your email provider, you may have to click on the options button to see this.  This will show you the original header and original routers information and may help you identify who the original sender is.  If he intentionally used anonymous software or email senders, it will be virtually impossible without professional help to locate who the person is.

  3. Don't even respond. Anyone could be doing this. Even someone who doesn't know you. For example, I could send emails out to anyone saying "Uhh, Hi, I know who you are."

    Just block their address.

  4. Why wouldn't you go to the police?  If you feel threatened or nervous about this person that is the first thing you should do.  You should not even consider protecting them.

    This could be very dangerous for you.

  5. Its the same as if someone blocked their caller ID and called you. You would need to go to the police and have them subpoena the ISP for that information. It would have to be a threat or proof of a crime for them to proceed.

  6. do you have any super-puter geek friends? Lots of computer wizards know how to tap in and find out.  Maybe even ask the Geed Squad. I use the term geek endearingly.

    I know of a college person who can sit outside a home and tap into that home's computer and learn all about you--scary!

    do NOT respond to the emails unless intructed by the person helping you.

  7. Ignore them, block their address.

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