
How to fist fight?

by  |  earlier

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so there has been a lot of drama in my life with these other girls, and they say they want to fight me and stuff.

i try to make my knuckles stronger by punching a wall, they get red, split open and bleed sometimes.. i'm a pretty strong person, too. i go crazy when i'm pissed/furious.

anyways, any advice???




  1. Research . . . Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai. Everyone should know how to defend themselves and know how to control the fight when you get the upper-hand. Know when to fight; know when to stop. A peaceful solution is always the goal; however, welcome to Earth.

  2. i have been into martial arts 25 years and i don't fight in the streets unless i have to.

    If i wanted to give you something and you didn't take it i would be stuck with it unless you took it.

    You don't have to fight anyone unless they hit you first and you would be in the right. When you have right on your side you can't lose.

    When these girls give you drama or challenge  you just say "what ever" and move on. Don't waste your time or energy  feeding or excepting their negativity .

    These girls are week and can't fight one on one and have something to prove.

    You are stronger and can beat them and don't need to prove it unless they hit you.

    Wisdom makes you strong foolishness makes you week. Chose to be strong don't fight unless you have to.

  3. yeah , almost every fight ive ever been to went to the ground so id say learn brazilian jiu jitsu,and muay thai  or go to a MMA gym theyll teach you everything you need to know about fighting

  4. you need the head

  5. do you stop when ur knuckles start to bleed?do u know how to make a correct fist?

    when i was younger i used to punch the kick pad until my knuckles were bleeding so much that id have to stop then id kick it as hard as i could then punch it again

    if u have to fight get them to hit u first then hit them as hard as u can-then its cald selfdefence cos they hit u first

  6. Do fight when your pissed off ..stay in control and know what your doing. If youwant to end it fast put a finger in the eye ...cant see fight over.

    Try a few self deffence lessons.. If you learn how to keep people off of youin a fight youwill do better.

    You can find lessons for free if you look around

  7. cant really show you through the is some advice.

    look at your opponent’s chest, and at some times some other places. This will make it so you could look at your opponent’s whole body. always be aware of your surroundings.

    Keep your chin down and hands up.

    Stay calm.

    Move in a circle, toured in the direction of your opponent’s leading hand. When you move forward try to bob and weave or throw a couple of jabs when you move forward. Always circle out, never move straight back.

    remember there is no rules in a street fight.

    if you get the wind knocked out of you, don't freak out, stop in the middle of the fight, or try to talk trash. Take a deep breath in. After two or three deep breaths, you could talk all the trash you want to your opponent.

    Here is the most important part--- always try to end stuff peacefully (try not to get in a fight). Also, if you want to learn how to fight, take a Martial arts or boxing class.

    A little extra stuff— . If you don’t want to do that (big mistake), study boxing fights or mma matches. I prefer watching Friday Night Fights because Teddy Atlas explains some stuff. Remember, Videos and s**+* like that are no substitute for studying under a trained professional.

  8. stop hitting the wall u fool!

  9. First of... Don't punch walls as you will damage yourself ,if you must punch then strike pads,remember this golden rule hard parts strike soft parts and soft parts strike hard parts.

    Dont damage yourself if you must protect then damage the bullys or agressors  not yourself please take heed .

    If you don't understand what I mean then google it or ask me and I'll explain.

    Best wishes and stay safe :)***

  10. lol, well violence is not really the answer I would have to say push up and just regular training. Im a guy though im naturaly strong. I play handball for hours in a day so my right and left swing is pretty strong fast and accurate. I've got great reaction time and thats just from playing handball. You can't get stronger instantly and I also workout so I have a strong arm. Maybe you should talk to them...I have drama too but I deal with it with as little violence as possible. I know if I break the other parties face he or she may sue me or have me arrested, thats not a risk Im willing to take and that is a risk you shouldn't be willing to take eigther.
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