
How to fix a leak under my house that's underground?

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How to fix a leak under my house that's underground?




  1. Need more info.....Waste water or incoming water.....But if it's buried then you'll have to dig it up.......

  2. hire a contractor...

  3. is it under concrete? or under a crawl space

    concrete= jack hammer up the floor and dig

    under crawl= get someone down there to start digging. It will be a long tedious job

  4. whats leaking. need more info

  5. if u can get under the house through a crawl space then there shouldn't be any pipes under the ground, they should be attached to the floor joist....but if there are pipe then what kind of pipe do u think is there? copper, ABS, PVC, cast iron? more info on type of pipe that is leaking to tell u how to fix them

  6. what type of leak ? your pipes ? the county's pipes ? what is leaking ? maybe you have a sump pump backup that appears to be a leak ?

  7. I had that problem! My leak was under a concrete slab! My options were break the slab with a sledge or jackhammer! Or, dig under the foundation and tunnel to the leak.

    I did the digging,(Plumbers time is very expensive!). When I pinpointed the leak! The Plumber crawled under and Heat Soldered the Copper Pipe.

    After he finished, I recovered the hole and saved a ton of money by me doing the digging myself.

    My leak was a hot water line coming from hot water heater to bathroom sink. (A pressure leak). Not a drain leak.

    Good Luck! Gary Humphrey.

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