
How to fix a negative sub conscious?

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  1. Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.  It's called cognitive therapy.

    Write down your negative thoughts.  Then write down a positive counter thought.  Read and rehearse until it becomes habit.  It'll take a little time, but if you're consistent in time you will automatically counter the negative with a positive....with the ultimate goal being wiping out the negative thoughts altogether.

    If you're having ongoing or obsessive negative thoughts or if they are adversely affecting your life and happiness, you might want to consult with a mental health professional.

    Take care!

  2. I think human beings are prone to negative thinking. I've read that somewhere. It seems pretty true in my experience anyway. Not all of the thoughts we think are true. I would think the next time you have a negative thought try telling yourself that you are more prone to negative thinking and that not all of your thoughts are right. Try to turn it around into a more positive way of looking at it. To keep you motivated, remember why you want to do this. Do you want to be happier? Do you want to feel like you have more energy? What is your motivation?  

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