
How to fix a small hole in my hull?

by  |  earlier

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its about the size of a nail head, and at the bottom of my keel. my dad used fiberglass patch on it about 5 years ago, and it rubbed out after beaching it so many times. the boat has been sitting for about 2 years and i got it all done but that part. should i plug it with a bondo type stuff or should i re glass it? or both? and should i paint the hull too? thanks




  1. I would get a plastic syringe, and fill it with some sort of marine epoxy, like 5200. I would then squeeze this epoxy all the way up, as deep as this hole goes. Then, I would put a piece of masking tape to cover the hole until it dries. I would then put a few layers of a fiberglass repair patch over it, then sand it down and re-gel coat the area. If its a thru-hull hole, I would repeat from the inside too.

  2. nail size head hole? first of all can you get to the hole from the inside of the boat. your gonna need to lay a sheet of fiberglass on the inside. then once that dries you can start to apply fiberglass to the outside of the hull. sand down and paint..dont use silicone..that will work for a lil bit but you minds well do it first the right time.

    if you need help email me and i can walk you through it

  3. If the Patch lasted five years, I would just redo it.  Not knowing what kind of a hull you have, I am assuming fiberglass....

    I would make the hole a bit bigger to be on clean surfaces, mix up some resin and shredded fiberglass, and use that for a filler, then some fiberglass matting to cover the area by about a square foot and sand smooth for strength, feathering the edges.  A colored gel-coat can be used to match the color if you are good enough at matching, or paint the entire hull with an epoxy based paint with instructions from the paint dealer on how to apply if you don't do painting much.

    Good Luck

  4. You could fill it with bondo or shred up some fiberglass cloth, mix with resin and then patch over the top of it. After that you should consider putting on a "keel guard" for beaching. It takes all the wear when you beach. They are available at good marine stores or look up keel guard online.

  5. This just a thought. Go to Wal-Wort or any place and in the Paint or Hardware section find one of those Epoxy tubes. it a 50/50 mix one on each side like a Syringe. Clean the hole up good and dry. Mix up the epoxy and fill the hole. Take some wax paper and cover. With this you may be able to just use some duck tape. I would have a small board and bottle jack (Whatever work) and make like a press over the wax paper and put some pressure on it.  Just leave until the next day and remove. Sand smooth if you need. As far as painting, It may not be worth the trouble. But, just for a cheap, if this a white area you may just use some masking tape and a can of Appliance White Spray Enamel. I doubt it last very long, but, be good for a little while. Gel-Coat would be best but for the amount of area and it sound like it not that well seen, Gel-Coat be expensive.

  6. if its pin head size then u can use silicon  and then fibreglass patching, it will rub off if u beach it, just like will, and yes then add antifouling and then paint, just keep an eye on it ;-) if u find ureself dragging ure legs throught the sea u might want to redo the hole :p

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