
How to fix a stuck food disposer??

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Help!! Our disposer is stuck, I have shoved on a rubber glove and stuck my hand inside it and I think there might be a small bone there. I can't see down into the disposer, disgusting water's blocking it! I've read the other solutions but I have no idea what allen wrenches are or anything! Could someone please write me an answer for total dummies; I am really slow and stupid lol! <3 thank you heaps!!! =]




  1. you will need a 1/2&quot;(or larger) socket and a ratchet with a long extension on it. Try to get the socket on the nut on top of the disposer and turn the rachet to dislodge whatever is stuck in there. You could try the wooden handle of a plunger and try to move it instead.

  2. in the bottom center of your disposal is a hole. go to the hardware store and ask for a garbage disposal wrench if you don&#039;t have one. while the disposal is OFF put the wrench in the hole and turn it. this manually turns it slowly and you should be able to dislodge whatever is stuck. sometimes it feels tight or stuck when you turn it but dont worry. when you can turn the wrench some, check if you can pull anything out. the red button is just a reset. if it makes noise thats not your problem. if theres nothing in it that you can feel, just keep turning the wrench until it moves freely. the garbage disposal wrench is what you careful make sure there is nothing that could bump the switch while your working! good luck! (a disposal wrench is a big allen wrench) an allen wrench is a metal stick shaped like an L with 6 sides(hexagon?) lol!

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