
How to fix bent lens barrel?

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New camera was dropped with the lens out and the barrel is bent. There has to be a way I can fix this without having to send it to a repair shop, Please help.





  1. If you're reffering to a canon camera, i know exactly what you're going through. This happened to be too, twice to be exact, but i don't have to worry about that because i just bough a nikon d40 SRL camera. When you say the lens barrel is bent, do you mean that the camera won't turn on ?, or the lens barrel is just bent and it looks outlandish. However if it's not turning on follow these steps:

    1) Try to gently re-position the barrel, and make it more stortionate.

    2) try to recharge ( or get new batteries ), and see if the lens will withdraw.

    Unfornately, when you drop a camera, many warranties are voided, and you have to pay to have it fixed, but i doubt it would be that much money to fix.

    Good Evening.

    Nathan Grammatico

  2. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to fix your camera's bent lens. Dropping and drowning are the leading killers of digital cameras. Yours is the latest statistic.

    Repairs will be at your expense. A new camera will probably be cheaper.

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