
How to fix broken wake board?

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i broke my wake board almost into half. but i am trying to fix my board to save money. how to fix and what to use..




  1. i dont thin you would be able to fix it what you shoul do is ski on it anyhow like skis lol tht would look kl

  2. Sorry dude, you need to get a new board... look at this Liquid Force... it is what i have and i would reccomend it to everyone... amazing pop... i got mine for an ending bid of 125.00 i won and that is my board... you can also sell your broken board on ebay for a starting bid of 10 bucks or something and some fiberglass person might by it and fix it up but u need a new board...

  3. Unless you are experienced with fiberglass, I would just suggest going on ebay and buying one. You can probably get a decent board (with albeit no risk of injury) for under $150.

  4. In my opinion, it would be very poor judgment to "fix" a wakeboard that is broken "almost in half" for any reason other than to hang on the wall.  The first thing that comes to my mind is landing in the flats, the board snapping in half, and shards of fiberglass and wood embedding themselves into your poor, unsuspecting legs.

    NOT A GOOD IDEA, BRO.  Bite the bullet and spend the flow on a new board.

    But if you absolutely insist on fixing it, a couple times around the middle with some duct tape should take care of it, no problem.

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