
How to fix by myself hull in the waverunner?? The hull's material is NanoXcel and I have a little hole in it.

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How to fix by myself hull in the waverunner?? The hull's material is NanoXcel and I have a little hole in it.




  1. idk, that does not sound like a "do it myself" job. if you really wanna try patching it i would check out your local marine, but i would highly recommend you get this done professionaly. it may be pricy, but it wouldnt be as pricy as getting a whole new jet ski because you messed up when fixing it. thats my view, but if you find the right sutff do it with and you have the confidence, go for it.

    good luck

  2. try using fiberglass repair kits. jet skis and fiberglass boats are made from similar materials. you can pick up a kit for about $50. i had to fix a hole in my boat  last week, that was only about an inch in size. check with a local boat shop first. you may have more damage then just that little hole that you can see. GOOD LUCK

  3. Adam.

    in the mean time.  go to Home Depot and get a roll of black Pipe tape.  Ask around they'll know.  This stuff is great for emergency hull repair, it really sticks.

    now to fix your ride you need to look for 2 things.  micro balloons;  they're a filler used in plastics repair on aircraft and some auto body shops..

    and polyester resin base material.  

    Come to think of it, Go to West Marine they should have all this stuff.

    good luck

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