
How to fix music details, like the artists and stuff for your ipod??

by  |  earlier

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ugh i'm SOOO frustrated! i have been trying to do this for like 4 hours at my computer and i am like so ANGRY about it!!!

you know, how when you download songs, sometimes the album name, artist, or song title is wrong? for example, instead of

Penny Lane, by The Beatles

it is

001-the beatles-penny lane, by 04- BEETLES, THE

well pretty much all of my... 700 or so songs are like that. and some of them i dont know the album title, which is needed in order to find artwork on itunes.

for the past 3 hours i have been trying to change it in EACH SONG ONE BY ONE in the properties, and it is getting so frustrating because im not even done with half of the songs.

so does anyone know of an easier or quicker and accurate way to do this? if you do PLEASE let me know!!





  1. Yeah, it's frustrating. I tend to do it once I have the songs. Going through that many in one sitting is a waste of time. However, I don't think there are any solutions to your problem.

    Don't know if you already know this, but if you have alot of songs by the Beatles, then you could select them all and then go into Properties, and change the Artist name for all those files in one go. Saves time instead of having to change every single Artist name entry for every single file. This goes the same for Album titles. A quick search on the Net for the song names will reveal their respective album titles.

    It might also be quicker if you do it in iTunes instead of Properties. At least you don't have to right click every time.

  2. just right click on the song

    go to "get info"

    change what you wanna change!!!

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