
How to fix my ipod??(i'm so clumsy!!! )

by  |  earlier

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Okay, first off i have to say that i'm vey clumsy ^_^ hehe.

Well this is what happened.

I was in a forest and i had my ipod in my pocket. (harmless enough right?) And i trip over rocks with water on them. So when i got home my ipod wouldn't turn on. So i plugged it in the computer and it would'nt turn on. Then i thought i had the lock on it.....but i didn't.

And then i didnt use it for two weeks because i thought it might have to much water like to dry it out. that didnt work either!

Whats wrong with it!!

how can i fix it??

thanks for the help :)♥




  1. plug it in for a while, maybe the batterys completely gon

    but it sounds knacked

  2. ipods cannot get wet


    you broke your ipod

  3. if it is new send it in to apple repair company , and this is the link to the web site ( it is the cheapest place that i know of ) or if u JUST bought it take it back and say that it was defective :)

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