
How to fix poor posture?

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I am only 24, but apparently I am on my way to being a hunchback!! The doctor said I need to fix my posture, and fast. She recommended yoga classes... does anyone else have any suggestions?




  1. You have weak paraspinal and scapular muscles which allows your shoulders to role forward and your spine to bend forward. Any exercise that moves your spine into extension and your shoulder blades closer together should fix or help the problem. Oh, sit and stand up straight.

  2. I used to play so many video games I was hunched over.. My PT said to play them on my stomach... Exercise and toning the muscles that you don't use that cause the "hunch" also help.

    It's very irritating to correct, but it shouldn't be painful, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied when your done.

  3. If you work at a desk, sit on a swiss ball !!

    Im doing it as we speak !!!

  4. practice walking, think about that 24/7 and youll get in a habit of walking straight. i have the same prob

  5. sit up straight (you even look skinner) stop sloughing, I'm not going to be a hypocrite cause i slouch a lot, but it probably doesn't even look good lol. when you sit down sit all the way back in the chair so your back is positioned straight with the chair.

  6. sleep on your back!

  7. Walk balancing a book on your head.

  8. i had a similar problem and yoga and daily stretching really helped, i also walked daily but make sure you walk right and not hunched over

  9. Get a lumbar pillow for support.

    When driving in the car, make sure your seat is all the way straight.

    You subconscoiusly fall into a bad position when you are doing a normal rountine or something boring. Try to catch yourself doing with a correct it.

    Try an excercise ball and do some back excersises, like push-ups while you are on it.





    Yeah just don't slouch

  11. You can purchase a shoulder brace that fits around both shoulders and it keeps your shoulders straight. You wear this and in time, it will get you used to holding your shoulders back on your own. When sitting at a table, keep your arms at the elbow on top of the table, and keep straightening your back and shoulders. Join the military, they'll straighten you up. Ha Ha. Best to you young lady, hope you get this resolved. Good luck.

  12. always stand and sit straight

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