
How to fix the valve that diverts water from tub to shower?

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I have water in the tub. But when I try to divert the water from the tub to the shower, I don't get any water from the shower. I have a pull-up k**b on the on the spout to do this.




  1. The connecting rod, that diverts the water  to the shower head, may be either broken or bent. Go to a plumbing department at Lowes or Home Depot ,  and ask the staff  what to do,  to fix this.

    Take a digital camera photo of the shower, showing the type of equipment that you have, to show at the store .

    Jim B. Toronto.

  2. If water continues a full flow out of the spout, you need to replace the spout. There are two types of spouts. Look under the spout near the wall. If there is a slot, there is an allen s***w that needs to be removed up inside the slot. then the spout can be "twisted and pulled" off. No slot means it is screwed onto a threaded adapter. use channel-locks or a pipe wrench near the wall and turn counter-clockwise to remove.

  3. It is a simple mechanism that does nothing more than blocks the opening of the spout to force the water up the riser to the shower head. You do not state if the water stops flowing out the spout. If it does but does not come out the shower head then the shower head is blocked. With the water turned off .. remove the shower head and clean it. They can get blocked.

    If the water does not stop in any way from the spout then the rod has seperated from the plugging mechanism. If this is the case you will probably have to replace the spout.

  4. does the water still come out the tub spout when you pull it? if so you need a new tub spout. if not sounds like your shouwer head is clogged

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