
How to fix theme hospital download trouble?

by  |  earlier

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i downloaded and saved winzip and a version of theme hospital as a zip file to my documents

i unzipped the theme hospital

and it came up as a random set of files

i pressed one called hospital.exe and it came up as a black box and then promptly closed

i then right clicked on the properties and made it compatible with windows 95 as a forum had instructed me to do so

it then came up with an msdos logo i clicked on that, and that came up with something like, this is not a safe file, and then a black box, and then promptly closed,

and now i am stuck, what to do now?




  1. If the file you transfered is .exe then just double-click it to launch the installation. If still it doesn't work just download the file again an error may have just occurred in the downloading process.

  2. Why did you need to unzip it? It should autoplay from the disk.

    It sounds like you downloaded it, but where from?

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