
How to fix up a bike?

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I got a really rusty bike from freecycle. The frame is in good shape but I can't even take off the wheels because the screws are so rusty, not to mention the cranks and the geers are rusty.

Has anyone else had to fix up a bike "from scratch"? Or is it just not worth it? I know that I will have to replace the wheels and the chain, but I'm sure the frame and cranks and geers are salvageable?




  1. Unless you have a lot of time on your hands and like fixing up bikes it isn't really worth the hassle. If the cranks and gears are rusty then probably a lot of the other components like ball bearings, brakes etc. will be past their best so it would take more time and money than it's worth.

  2. If you really like the bike then fix it up, but by the time you are done you could of preactically by a new one, so if you would like a new one better than go for it.  You must replace those rusted parts, WD40 wont cut it.  Good luck.

  3. It would be cheaper to buy a new / used bike.
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