
How to float in deep water for a long time?

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In pe, we're doing a swimming unit & I'm afraid the water may be a bit deep deep for me, how do i float in water/stand there for a long time.




  1. what's a long time?

    I had to tread for 10 minutes first day of my SCUBA training...not too bad, but learned I don't have enough fat on me to float.

    To float, lay on your back, arms and legs spread.  If you can stand in the water, it's not deep.

    As for treading, I'm sure they'll show you better than can be described over the internet.

  2. Relax.  Have fun - keep a positive attitude.  You will not drown.  You can't just stand there - keep the hands and feet moving, slowly and steadily - work your hands in front of you and to the sides, and either bicycle the feet or do a scissor kick.  Slow and steady is the key - don't panic and start paddling as fast as you can - you'll stay up.  Take normal breaths.  For longer stays in deep water, you will want to inhale deeply, bend forward at the waist, holding the breath, and putting the face in the water, coming up to breath but continuing to move the hands and feet when you do.  You may alternate with leaning back with lungs full, face up to the sky, always working the hands and feet slowly.  It's not that hard.  Just relax.  And if this is a PE activity, I doubt seriously you will be left on your own in the deep end of the pool.  Practice in the shallow end until you are comfortable.  Ask for help - it's ok not to know how to tread water - you will learn eventually.

  3. Float=on your back, thrust your butt up whenever you feel like you're going down.=)

    Stand=move your arms in a sideways pattern, like swinging them back and forth while twisting your hips, once you get tired of that, start moving your legs like your on a bike, just like tredding water!

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